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UV water purification system

Product Introduction

The key point of using ultraviolet (UV) technology to treat water pollution is to destroy its molecular structure through the energy of photons, turning harmful substances into harmless substances, and altering the DNA of living microorganisms, bacteria, and viruses, making them unable to replicate (reproduce) and different from other methods. (1) The UV method has no secondary pollution and no residue. (2) Other methods, especially the widely used chemical methods such as disinfection in water plants, mainly rely on chlorine gas, which is itself a toxic gas. Many of its by-products are carcinogenic and teratogenic. Pesticides, food additives, etc. Many are harmful to humans and have residues.

Technical Parameter

Principle statement

(1) The energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength and is given by the following equation
Where:E—Photon energy,unit:mj/mol
c—speed of light。
h—planck  constant。
λ—Light wave wavelength。

From the above equation, it can be seen that photon energy is inversely proportional to wavelength, meaning that the shorter the wavelength, the higher the energy.

Currently, we are using the following commonly used frequency bands

UVC   Band λ=254nm E254=472kj/mol VUV band

λ=185nm,  E185=647kj/mol

λ=172nm    E172=696kj/mol

The energy level required to break the oxygen O2 molecular chain is 493.6 kj/mol

The wavelength of λ=185nm can be achieved. It can generate ozone.

But there is no light of this wavelength in the natural atmosphere, and it must be artificially generated, which is the special ultraviolet light source of this project.

(2) There are three types of spectral generation.

Atomic spectroscopy generates changes in electronic energy levels in atoms with multiple single spectral lines

Continuous broad spectral lines in molecular spectra

Narrow and wide spectral lines in excimer spectroscopy

(3) Utilize the wide spectral lines in the time domain as opposed to the narrow spectral lines in the frequency domain. Approximate monochromatic, such as wide spectral lines in the inverse frequency domain, corresponding to narrow spectral lines in the time domain. That is, narrow pulses.

(4) The purpose of this project is to utilize the above basic principles to optimize spectral line configuration, reasonably select energy distribution, and reasonably choose raw materials and processing technology in hardware. And design specialized experimental production equipment according to process requirements.

Overall technical concept and innovation of the project

(1) Appropriate light wave spectral lines

(2) Design, select, and design suitable light sources that can efficiently generate high-power light waves.

(3) Focus limited energy onto the target according to different purposes and objectives, starting from the following three dimensions

1) Spatial domain focusing, such as laser.

2) In the time domain, the 'primary focus' is like high-energy pulsed light, which concentrates energy at a single point in time.

3) Frequency domain (wavelength) "focusing" concentrates energy onto a narrow spectral line, such as bacteria and viruses that are only sensitive to light waves of 265NM. Water treatment technology belongs to the category of ultraviolet light waves (mainly referring to the UVC, UVD bands - short wave ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet bands), which can be generated by the sun but only exist in space.

According to the formula of light wave energy, photon energy is inversely proportional to wavelength. Due to its short wavelength, it has extremely high energy to kill existing viruses, bacteria, microorganisms, and can effectively degrade a considerable amount of toxic and harmful substances that harm humans independently or in combination with other technologies. Unfortunately, it also poses a threat to humanity, making it unable to survive. Fortunately, the Earth's atmosphere, especially the ozone layer, has a strong absorption function for this light wave, intercepting it entirely in the outer space of the Earth. And only allow the light waves that are mostly useful and essential for the survival of humans and all things on Earth to enter the Earth. Only then did the Earth become a living celestial body.

The bacteria and viruses that harm humans are already difficult to survive and reproduce under sunlight. If we can artificially generate shorter wavelength light waves similar to those in space, and develop a series of system application products based on this key technology and product as the core. To achieve the goals of energy conservation, high efficiency, and high performance (sterilization, disinfection, degradation of harmful pollutants, etc.), while also being safe for humans. This is the purpose of establishing this project.

The application field of this project is environmental protection. Specifically, it is the treatment of water pollution. This is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary system engineering. UV technology is one of the means. In addition, there are other methods such as chemical methods. Chlorine gas and chlorine based products widely used in sterilization and disinfection fields such as drinking water, reclaimed water, sewage, swimming pools, etc. are still the mainstream means at home and abroad, especially in China where they account for the vast majority. But with the development of today's technology, its drawbacks have gradually been discovered, and various by-products contain carcinogenic and carcinogenic substances to humans, causing serious consequences to the ecosystem. Developed countries have gradually adopted ultraviolet technology in this field. Due to its high efficiency and no secondary pollution, it is showing a rapid growth trend. The arrival of the mandatory implementation period for the new drinking water standards in China after July 2012 will inevitably trigger a huge demand for ultraviolet technology.

Through innovation in the three major fields of ultraviolet light sources, light source power supplies, and water treatment systems, ultraviolet technology has become the mainstream technology in the fields of sterilization and disinfection; Successfully implementing a composite technology system with ultraviolet technology as the core for effective treatment of water pollution.

Due to water pollution and lack of safe water supply facilities, over 1 billion people worldwide are unable to access safe water. During the past 30 years of rapid industrial development in our country, the environment has paid a heavy price. The excessive consumption of water resources has made China a water poor country. At the same time, the discharge of pollution has seriously reduced the water quality and directly harmed the life and health of our people. The Chinese government attaches great importance to this. In the 12th Five Year Plan, each department has formulated a specific timetable to enter the mandatory implementation period of the new drinking water quality standards by July 2012. The new standard water quality indicators have increased from 35 to 106 and revised 8 items. At the same time, specific indicators for sewage discharge have also been provided in the planning of the environmental protection department; And we need to increase regulatory efforts. The 12th Five Year Plan has elevated "drinking clean water" to a strategic level that concerns people's livelihoods and stability. The achievement of water standards is imperative, and UV technology has unique efficacy and environmental friendliness in the fields of sterilization and disinfection; Completing the 'standard' of water has an irreplaceable competitive advantage.

UV technology will become the mainstream technology in the field of sterilization and disinfection:

At present, disinfection methods for water supply and drainage can be divided into two categories, namely chemical disinfection and physical disinfection. Chemical disinfection methods include chlorine disinfection and ozone disinfection, etc; Physical disinfection methods include ultraviolet disinfection, etc. Chemical disinfection methods generally produce disinfection by-products. The residual chlorine in the chlorine disinfection process is toxic to fish and other organisms in the receiving water body. It has been found and confirmed that chemical disinfection methods such as chlorine disinfection can produce carcinogenic and teratogenic by-products such as trichloromethane (THMs); UV disinfection technology is a type of physical disinfection method that has broad-spectrum bactericidal ability and no secondary pollution. Due to environmental requirements, it is expected that future sewage treatment plants with conditions will adopt UV disinfection and become the mainstream technology to replace traditional chemical disinfection methods. Therefore, UV technology has a huge demand in the field of water treatment.

To catch up with the world's advanced level and replace imported ultraviolet disinfection methods, it was first applied in the United States (in 1970, the US Environmental Protection Agency completed the first demonstration project of sewage ultraviolet disinfection), and has now been widely used in the United States and Canada. After more than 30 years of development, ultraviolet technology has become a mature, reliable, efficient, and environmentally friendly disinfection technology, and has been widely applied in many fields abroad. UV disinfection technology is the latest generation of disinfection technology that emerged in the late 1990s internationally. It has a wide range of applications in the field of water treatment, integrating optics, microbiology, electronics, fluid mechanics, and aerodynamics. It has the characteristics of high efficiency, broad-spectrum, low cost, long lifespan, large water volume, and no secondary pollution. It is internationally recognized as the mainstream disinfection technology of the 21st century Sterilization and disinfection are the main functions of ultraviolet technology in the field of water and wastewater. Many industries in our country are in great need of applying ultraviolet technology to water treatment systems, such as the food and beverage industry, pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics industry, health products industry, high-end manufacturing industry, high-tech industry, and so on. At present, there is a significant gap between China's application promotion and that of foreign countries. The application of core technologies and components in a few projects relies on imports, and research achievements with independent intellectual property rights cannot develop rapidly due to the lack of sufficient R&D investment and policy support, which also affects the transformation of existing achievements. Faced with the huge demand brought by the current environmental protection situation in our country, foreign counterparts have a strong tendency to seize the Chinese market. As a technology-based high-tech enterprise that strives to contribute to ultraviolet technology, in order to replace imports as soon as possible, it is urgent to increase and accelerate research and development investment in ultraviolet technology for water pollution control. Faced with the severe situation of water pollution in China and the upcoming implementation of the new water law, the establishment of this project is in line with the needs of the current situation

Innovation in core ultraviolet technology, development of national industry, and participation in international market competition.

(1) The domestic UV water treatment industry is relatively backward. Most of them are in a simple integrated state. The final performance is limited by the level of ultraviolet light source and power supply, making it difficult to make technological breakthroughs. By innovating core technologies, especially core components, the successful development of new, efficient, and high-performance light sources and power supplies suitable for professional water treatment will drive the rapid development of this field in China. Finally, it will become a breakthrough in solving water pollution control; Therefore, project approval is also a requirement for technological development and the industry's move towards high-end.

(2) Introducing modification processes for new nanomaterials and new quartz materials (key materials for light sources). It can significantly improve the lifespan of existing light sources. Reducing operation and maintenance costs and promoting the popularization of future industrial system products will form a strategic emerging industry and the revitalization of national industries.

Main innovation points:

(1) At present, the domestic ultraviolet industry operates in isolation at a certain link in the industry chain, which limits the development of technology. Due to the wide range of professions and industries in this field, there is a lack of mutual understanding. It is difficult to develop a single technology field to form an application system with a certain level, and the research and development of key components such as special ultraviolet light sources and power supplies are difficult to meet the requirements of the system. Enterprises engaged in application systems, on the other hand, do not understand the former technology, making it difficult to propose precise requirements and match them; And the light source power supply is another field different from the light source industry. The coordination among the three parties is more complex. Moreover, the existing system of system enterprises makes it difficult to ensure that the achievements of light sources and power supplies are exclusively enjoyed by the system enterprises, and intellectual property rights cannot be effectively protected. The core content of ultraviolet technology includes light source, power supply, and application system. Being three different industries; There is a very close matching relationship between them. Only when the "three in one" (or N-in one) system is completed by one enterprise to complete the entire industrial chain, can the best matching of each key link in the industrial chain be achieved, and the prominent contradictions in the coordination of each link be overcome, so that ultraviolet technology can innovate and develop rapidly. The successful experience of large enterprises in foreign counterparts has proven this point. To catch up with and surpass the world's advanced level as soon as possible, it is necessary to establish an industrial chain and innovate the system. Only institutional innovation; Technological innovation is the guarantee of organization. After nine years of institutional innovation practice, we have come to realize that the "three in one" industrial chain research system is the correct move to support ultraviolet technology innovation.

(2) Technological innovation

*Light source innovation: Developing new light sources (pulse light source, infinite light source, high-power ultraviolet light source, and special light source suitable for water treatment)

*Power innovation: Develop a matching light source power supply and achieve optimal matching with the light source and system.

(3) System innovation:

1) In system design, the three parts of the industrial chain achieve optimal matching; And keep synchronized

2) In system design, we pursue better sterilization and disinfection effects, and adhere to the combination of UV core technology and other applicable technologies.

3) Utilize existing research and development achievements (various independently developed sensors, dedicated circuits, detection systems, etc.) to achieve the intelligence of the system.

1High power low-pressure mercury lamp
2Infinite light source
3Pulsed light source
5High power low-voltage mercury lamp power supply
6Medium voltage mercury lamp power supply
7Non-polar light source power supply
8Pulse light source power supply
10UV water treatment system  

Due to the demand for environmental protection, the current situation and trends in China,

UV technology will become the mainstream technology and development trend in the fields of water pollution control, sterilization, and disinfection.

(1) The current situation of domestic development lags far behind developed countries abroad, with few proprietary intellectual property rights. Basically in the position of agency, technical support, and service for large foreign companies. Even with their own products, they are mostly low-level integrations. Especially for some high-performance core components - light sources and power supplies, they mainly rely on imports. Although some larger companies in China also have similar products; But it is not its main product (main lighting source); Its products and technology still have a significant gap compared to foreign countries, making it difficult to meet the needs of water pollution control.

(2) Developed countries abroad have a history of several decades in the field of ultraviolet applications, gradually forming multinational corporations with upstream, midstream, and downstream industrial chains through continuous mergers and acquisitions, and monopolizing most of the international market. We are currently entering China to seize the domestic high-end market.

(3) Internationally, ultraviolet water treatment systems have gradually become diversified (targeting different application objects), large-scale, specialized, and automated. The core components of the light source and power supply are developing towards high power, high efficiency, and high performance.

(4) New types of light sources and power supplies have entered the application of system products in developed countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. However, the updated core components of light sources and power products are mainly undertaken by small and medium-sized enterprises and universities, and are currently in the development stage, with a distance from industrialization.

Existing domestic technological foundation

(1) The technology of ultraviolet water treatment systems is mostly in the stage of imitation, digestion and absorption, but colleges and universities have developed in theory and gradually formed a system. Environmental majors have been established in universities, but in terms of ultraviolet technology, it is relatively weak, and cooperation between industry, academia and research is relatively weak in this field.

(2) Although there are technological achievements in UV light sources and power supplies, especially in products specifically designed for water treatment systems, the application research results are very poor, which makes the "achievement transformation" still stuck in theory and unable to achieve the effect indicators and environmental protection "standards" in engineering practice; Strengthening 'applied research' is imperative.

(3) Although some large listed companies produce light sources, their main business is still focused on lighting sources, with insufficient investment in the research and development of ultraviolet light sources and new light sources for water treatment. Mainly because the market has not yet formed. This is related to the inadequate implementation of national standards, environmental standards, and mandatory measures. The introduction of the 12th Five Year Plan will quickly change this situation.

(4) Developing water treatment systems and light sources. Due to the rapid development of manufacturing industry in China, it has a good industrial foundation and relatively lower costs, raw materials, production equipment and supporting advantages compared to foreign countries, which provides a good foundation for the development of this industry.

(5) Colleges and research institutions in this field have a certain foundation in basic research and development, and the corresponding peripheral fields are relatively complete and complete; But the research direction is not clear enough and lacks integration with the industry chain and enterprises. In the future, it will be driven by the industrial chain. Take the path of combining production, education, and research. It is very beneficial for the technological development of our country in this field. Existing research and development experience: Aerospace Hongda has been researching ultraviolet technology for 17 years since 2003. It started with the introduction of ultraviolet radiation cleaning technology from abroad at that time, and went through system integration. It was discovered that the core components, special ultraviolet light sources, and power supplies could not be solved, and domestic technical indicators could not be met, resulting in a "ban on imports". The blockade abroad has forced us to strive for independent research and development, starting from the core component of the light source and eventually transitioning to the process of system development.

(1) In 03-04, we will focus on breakthroughs in special ultraviolet light sources

(2) Synchronous development of light source power supply (electronic ballast research and development)

(3) Research and development of production testing equipment.

(4) Research and development of light source detection equipment - vacuum ultraviolet spectrometer.

(5) Research and development of ultraviolet radiation cleaning machine

(6) Research and development of plasma air purifier in 05-07

(7) Research and Development of UV Oil Fume Purification System in 08-09

(8) 10 years - Launch of water treatment and research and development of a "ship ballast water system" to address international biological invasion issues.

This includes:

a. Research and development of key components for water treatment systems, development of various measurement and control sensors, and computer control units

b. Cooperate with the research and development of high-power power sources for ballast water.

c. Research and development of high-power medium pressure mercury lamp

d. Research and development of ballast water testing system.

(9) During the project, research and development of non-standard equipment for special light source production experiments will be carried out according to different stages.

Obtained scientific research achievements

1) Developed a key equipment for special light source detection - vacuum ultraviolet spectrometer. Capable of measuring light waves ranging from 50-300nm. Make it a key detection equipment for special ultraviolet light sources. Domestic peers do not have it (there are only a few imported equipment in China, most of which are used in the aerospace and nuclear industries).

(2) Developed specialized experimental production equipment for special ultraviolet light sources (not available on the market).

(3) Developed a high-power 300W ultraviolet light source for the field of photochemistry. It has been used in large ship equipment, military ultraviolet communication, and new organic thin film photovoltaic materials (used by many universities, research and development institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences) and other fields. Solved the surface treatment problem of modern materials. In addition, it is also used in the semiconductor industry for epitaxial testing of chip modification processes. Replacing the original chemical method greatly improves the economic benefits for users. This technology has been granted an invention patent, and there is a foundation for transplanting this technology into water treatment applications. (The core technologies have their commonalities, it's just that the application objects are different.)

(4) The specialized series of special ultraviolet light sources developed by the company have been successfully used in the field of air treatment. The Finnish Biozone pure brand air purifier company has abandoned its original foreign supplier and chosen our core components for more than 10 years. The core components used for air purifiers have entered the international advanced level.

(5) The ultraviolet technology has been applied to air pollution control and the sterilization and disinfection effects of various products, and some indicators have exceeded those of domestic peers. The disinfection effect of this product has passed the sterilization and disinfection effect tests of multiple national level testing units, including the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, and the National Environmental Protection Product Testing Institute

(6) Multiple varieties of its core components - light source and power supply - have been certified by Europe.

(7) The company's system products and core components have been granted ten authorized patents and intellectual property rights.

(8) The company's UV system products and key components have won multiple national awards

(9) Two products have obtained the Beijing Municipal Independent Innovation Product Certificate and have been included in the government procurement catalog.

(10) In 2007, the 'UV Technology Research Institute' was established (registered with the industry and commerce bureau and recognized as a 'Beijing scientific research institution' by the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission)

(11) In 2011, an industry university research agreement was signed with a domestic home appliance light source university, which became their internship base. Excellent graduates were selected to join the enterprise, and professional technical backbones in the field of electric light sources who had worked for many years in foreign companies (well-known foreign peers) were hired as the head of the experimental base, preparing to catch up with the world's advanced level.

(12) We have cultivated a group of cross disciplinary and multidisciplinary backbone teams that combine old, middle-aged, and young people to shoulder important responsibilities in the UV industry chain. Especially the R&D personnel in the three parts of the industry chain and the technician team with certain experience and hands-on ability.

(13) We have established close cooperative relationships with universities, research institutions, well-known experts and scholars in related fields. To support the basic research of the school, we have provided free light source test samples for many years; We have established good relationships with research institutions in related fields that complement each other's strengths and possess certain resources. For example, Professor Liu Wenjun, a water treatment expert at the School of Environment, Tsinghua University and a member of the International Ultraviolet Association, Professor Zhang Pengyi, a doctoral supervisor at the School of Environment, Fudan University and an expert in electric light sources (founder), Professor Cai Zuquan, Vice President of Fudan University and Director of the Institute of Electric Light Sources, Professor Zhu Shaolong, an expert in electric light sources at Fudan University, Professor Zhang Zhonglian and Dr. Tang Yi from Beijing Institute of Technology. Dr. Yuan Guimei and others from China University of Petroleum.

Research conditions and current status of research and development teams

Research conditions

(1) We have established a research and development, experimental and small-scale production system with ultraviolet technology as the core from the organizational structure, promoting research and development teams in multiple professional fields. Including a design team for UV application systems, a professional R&D team for special light sources, a professional R&D team for light source power supplies, and a team of experienced technicians.

(1) After years of accumulation and investment, a modern 1200 square meter pilot light source and power supply production and testing base has been established.

(2) We have independently developed an experimental production line with small-scale production capability.

(3) We have independently developed a key instrument for detecting and developing light sources and light source materials - the vacuum ultraviolet spectrometer; This fills the gap in the domestic industry. It has created conditions for the preparation of the State Key Laboratory.

(4) Established a research and development laboratory for light source power supply and application systems; Having dozens of instruments and equipment suitable for the project, it has good research and development conditions.

(5) After years of establishment, a joint system has been established with various professional colleges, research institutions, and suppliers of optomechanical and electrical specialties to achieve mutual benefit in human processing and experimental conditions, especially with extensive cooperation among aerospace system research institutes.

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Contact Information
3rd Floor, Block B, Beida Qingniao Building, 207 Chengfu Road, Haidian District, Beijing
About Us
The company has been focusing on the research and development of special ultraviolet light source technology for a long time, and has experience in the application and manufacturing of special ultraviolet technology products.
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